Spiced Apple Oatmeal
This fall this has become one of my favorite breakfasts. I use whole rolled oats, but you could use steel cut oats as well.
First I chunk up one slightly tart apple leaving the skins on for more fiber and nutrition. Read More
This fall this has become one of my favorite breakfasts. I use whole rolled oats, but you could use steel cut oats as well.
First I chunk up one slightly tart apple leaving the skins on for more fiber and nutrition. Read More
I watched a video on this topic this past week on my Meltdown Challenge that really made me think. How many times do I make excuses for any number of things when the answer isn’t really I don’t have time, I can’t afford it, I don’t have the will power. You get it. Instead I need to say it is just not a high priority for me at this time. Read More
Yesterday I saw a video of a dog calming a woman that has aspergers who was having what looked like an anxiety attack. It reminded me of how good pets are for our mental well-being. For my entire life animals have been a calming force in my life. From the time I was 5 until I was 13 we lived on a dairy farm. I spent as much time as possible in the barn or the pasture with the cows, cats, dogs and horses. They were my best friends. You can tell them anything and they don’t judge or repeat it to anyone. 🙂
For God so loved the world that He gave (didómi) His only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life John 3:16NLT
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 NIV
I know what it is like to be shunned by someone I love. But as My Father God pursues me when I run from Him. So have I decided to love on those that I love even if they do not want to be a part of my life. I do this in any way that I can. Read More
The question was posed on the Today Show this morning real or fake? For my big tree it has to be real. Every year I look at artificial trees in the store and think, “that would be easier and maybe cheaper in the long run.” But I just can’t do it. I love the smell of the tree, I love the natural look and I even love the shelter it gives the critters outside after Christmas. I am supporting a local farmer by buying there trees and they will decompose in short order (or burn in our outdoor fire pit). Artificial trees don’t really decompose, have iffy health consequences (especially to those who are chemically sensitive), some apparently have lead in them. Nope, just can’t do it! Read More
Think about it – you make the turkey on Thanksgiving, clean off the extra meat and throw out the carcass. Or do you decide to throw said carcass in a pot of water the next day and simmer it all day? For many years the carcass went in the garbage. Now I love spending Friday (when most people are out shopping smelling Thanksgiving smells on repeat. Our bird was purchased from a friend who let him wander around all summer so he was happy until the day he met his doom. This also meant that he was pretty healthy and had lots of nutrients in those bones and joints. After simmering all day on the pot I removed the carcass and cleaned the rest of the meat off — it comes off much easier after this. Then I strained the broth into another pot to cool. I cooled it on my enclosed porch overnight and since I wasn’t prepared to deal with it on Saturday I put it in the freezer. This really solidifies the fat and makes it so easy to remove and discard.
I reheated the broth after skimming the fat off. Then I chopped up celery, carrots, onions and the meat (mostly dark since this was a heritage breed turkey). Read More
“For the Lord delights in you and will claim you as His own.” Isaiah 62:4
Delight- “great pleasure, joy; please greatly, extreme pleasure or satisfaction; high degree of pleasure or enjoyment; joy; rapture.” http://www.thefreedictionary.com/delight
“He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because He delights in me.” Psalm 18:19
“The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Psalm 37:23
So many times I feel this can’t possibly apply to me. I don’t consider myself “godly”. I fail and trip up so often. But my “godliness” does not come from my goodness or ability. But by Jesus goodness and ability. But by what Jesus did on the cross for me- taking my sin, my failure, my lack on him and giving me in exchange his goodness, his life, his godliness. Therefore when the father looks on me He looks on me through Jesus’ colored glasses. I am pure, I am holy. Read More
I think the living room has now become my favorite room. For one it is bathed in sunlight from the south and east windows which is my favorite side of any house. When we purchased the house it was beige like the dining room and was the next room on my agenda to paint.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear (timidity, fearfulness), but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” I Timothy 1:7 NKJV
Fear has run rampant because of the attacks in Paris and the world over. ISIS has the world in fear. Who is the author of fear? Satan. Are we to submit to fear? No! When fear begins to grip my heart I need to take a hard look at myself. Because I am commanded not to worry, but to submit to God, to resist the devil and all of his attacks. (James 4:7) Fear being the primary attack that I struggle with. The world is in turmoil but in the midst of that turmoil I can have peace. I can have joy. I can have love. I can have a sound mind. I need to turn to Jesus and ask him to empower me to walk as He walked. Read More
What a difference a day makes! From Fall garden to Winter in one day. Not sure if the snow is going to last – looks like a warm up for Thanksgiving but it is pretty today. 8 inches of snow on November 20th. Wow!
There is nothing that looks so pure as fresh fallen snow before the melt and before shoveling and bunches of tracks. Although I see the bunnies have been about. 🙂
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