finished sweater mitten

Recycling Old Sweaters

Recycling Old Sweaters

I have been wanting to try my hand at sweater mittens for some time and have been saving old sweaters for that purpose.  This summer I learned to knit and decided to knit something for my children and grandchildren for Christmas and I thought I would make them each a pair of sweater mittens to match.  I may have bitten off more than I could chew.  While I did succeed in getting all the hats and headbands completed the mittens and liners were sewn, but not sewn together.  So they all got wrapped up and opened and then I took the mittens back to finish by New Years Eve!  🙂

One suggestion I would make is to do one pair completely before making such grandiose plans.  🙂  I, of course, decided to work on them all at once, ignoring my own advice.  I used the information at Sew Very Cute and traced out the hand print on paper as a template adding about a half and inch all the way around which allowed for thickness of hand and about an 1/8″ of seam allowance.  sweater mitten pattern Read More

peace on earth

Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth

peace on earth

When asked a few weeks ago what my Christmas wish was.  And truly that was my answer.  They thought it should be something else so then I said I would love a white Christmas.  It looks like I might get that Christmas wish- it is currently snowing!  They were predicting rain but in got cold enough for snow.   And walking Scotty this afternoon I met a young girl and she wished us Merry Christmas and another man shouted Ho, Ho, Ho! and his little guy yelled Merry Crissmath. 🙂 Of course I returned the merry Christmas to them all. Wouldn’t it be lovely if this spirit of love and peace would be year round? Read More

Leftovers for Lunch!

Leftovers for Lunch!

Last nights chicken is making a comeback in the form of a yummy and nutritious salad.  I love to mix it up on my salads- different greens, seeds and salad dressings.  The key is to not let it get too boring.

Today I am using spinach since it is already washed and I am crushed for time.  I have decided to make gifts for all my grandkids and kids this year and am not quite done!  Big surprise!  After Christmas I will post some of the things I have been creating but in case any of them are lurking here I shall have to postpone.  🙂 Read More

chicken brussel sprout supper

What’s For Supper?

What’s For Supper?

Since there are only two of us at home anymore I have really neglected cooking.  I like to make it simple, nutritious and delicious.  And when I make food I make enough for leftovers.  I really am not that crazy about cooking, but I really like eating.  🙂  chicken supper

So tonight we are having roasted chicken breast, roasted brussel sprouts and baked potatoes.  Leftover chicken will be used in salad for lunch and maybe a stirfry tomorrow night.   Read More

christmas lights porch

My Favorite Christmas Things

  My Favorite Christmas Things

Last week we went to four different Christmas concerts.  One at church and three school ones.  I loved the variety of music we heard and the enthusiasm of the children.  We saw the nativity acted out, a play about Frosty the snowman, and lots of different holiday songs ranging from traditional to newer.  It puts me in such a great Christmas mood, despite the lack of snow. Read More

upside down pear gingerbread cake

Eat Gingerbread Cake

Eat Gingerbread Cake

upside down pear gingerbread cake

The book Eat Cake is probably not the best book to read if you are trying to improve your diet but we read it for book club and I really enjoyed the story. But be forewarned she does talk about a lot of different really yummy sounding cakes!  Really it was a story about how doing what you love can be a way to make a living too.  It was a fun story about a crazy family dealing with issues ranging from unemployment, dealing with aging parents and teenagers, and learning to believe in yourself.  I highly recommend it as a not too intense, yet thought provoking read.
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woolly bear

I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas!

I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas!

sled snow

In November we had nine inches of snow!  Now we have none.  🙁  Green grass growing.  I am hoping we don’t have to pull out the mower again.

As I was walking many times this fall I saw woolly bear caterpillars and most of them had rather long brown sections.  Now I knew people had used them to forecast the winter but I couldn’t remember which way it was.  So I looked it up on the internet and found that the longer brown section was said to mean a mild winter.   Read More

vintage christmas ornament

Vintage Christmas

Vintage Christmas

vintage christmas

As my mother has downsized I have been so grateful to be the recipient of some of the vintage Christmas decorations and ornaments from my youth in the 60’s.  I have such fond memories of Christmas thanks to my mother who loves Christmas too.  Christmas music going on 24/7.  Singing Christmas carols on the long car rides to grandparent’s houses.  Christmas programs in church (where my mother was also my Sunday school teacher).  We could always expect a bag at the end of the program with peanuts, fruit and popcorn.  Some of my fondest memories were of decorating the tree with my mom.  Hanging the old ornaments, some of which grace my tree. Read More