Daily Archives: April 9, 2016


Focus on Serenity

Focus on Serenity

Confession time here.  I am so off track.  I have not been spending quiet time with the Lord.  This leads to other issues in my life.  I have not been eating right or exercising.  Basically, I am going backward big time.  🙁

So I have been rethinking my strategy for life change.  Somehow I have to get back to moving forward.  Shutting off the news (which brings me down big time).  I can’t change the world by being immersed in the election or the sadness and tragedy worldwide.  I can be an element for change by listening to the truth of what Jesus said and allowing it to permeate my life.  Instead of focusing on the brokenness and despair that the new portrays I can focus on the truth of the Good News (gospel). 

Jesus said, “A thief comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy.   I have came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).“  John 10:10 AMP   I have to look at what the thief (Satan) is using to steal, kill and destroy me.  Some things I can do something about, some I can’t.  I can turn off the television which steals my time and emotional energy.    I can spend time meditating on the Word of God and praying, taking time to be quiet before the Lord so that He can speak into my heart.  I can pray for those I love, that the Lord will guide them and keep them safe.  Worrying about my loved ones and becoming distracted by some of the things they say and do that hurt and wound does not help anyone.   Some of my relationships seem to be irreparably damaged and at this present time the only thing I can do is pray.  Read More