Well, this year I didn’t officially make any resolutions, but I have been gradually slipping into old habits and it has not been good. So if anything I am resolved to get back on track.
Starting tomorrow I have decided to go on a cleanse and get back to only eating whole foods and nothing that has more than five ingredients in it (unless it is something I have assembled myself). That means today is a planning day.
For the next five mornings I will have super green smoothies for breakfast. Days one and five I will have fish or chicken for lunch and supper with salads. Day two, three and four will be only tomato veggie soup for lunch and supper. Occasional snacks of fruit and nuts as well. This should help get the taste for sugar and starchy foods out of my palate and get me on track.
I have been delaying using the treadmill and trying to get walks in outside, but the brutal cold weather has made me have to relent and clear off the treadmill to get going on that again. I would so much rather be outside walking with Scotty (my beloved beagle), but I need longer walks that we can accomplish in this cold and the roads are a bit more treacherous than I feel comfortable walking briskly on.
So sadly Scotty will have to look out the window and wish for warmer days.
Let the metamorphosis begin anew! 🙂
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