peace on earth

Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth

peace on earth

When asked a few weeks ago what my Christmas wish was.  And truly that was my answer.  They thought it should be something else so then I said I would love a white Christmas.  It looks like I might get that Christmas wish- it is currently snowing!  They were predicting rain but in got cold enough for snow.   And walking Scotty this afternoon I met a young girl and she wished us Merry Christmas and another man shouted Ho, Ho, Ho! and his little guy yelled Merry Crissmath. 🙂 Of course I returned the merry Christmas to them all. Wouldn’t it be lovely if this spirit of love and peace would be year round?

Of course, Jesus came to bring peace but the peace he brought is not peace in the way of ruling and reigning in this world as so many of his followers desired.  The peace he brought is inner peace.  Even in the midst of the storms of life we can be filled with peace if we lean on Him.  I believe He will return to this earth one day to reign as King of Kings as He promised.  But until that day be filled with peace and walk in His love.  And remember what a miracle of peace He brought.

big miracle

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