Please Don’t Spray

I live on top of a hill in a small town. It was a gorgeous day with a nice breeze so all of my windows were flung open.
While working at my computer I started to feel numbness in my face and began wondering what I was exposed to or might have eaten to cause the sensation. It wasn’t long until I realized there was a chemical smell permeating my home. I quickly ran to each window to see what was going on outside. And there I spotted it over a half a block away below my home a yard was being sprayed by a riding sprayer. I quickly closed my windows grumbling as I did so. This was 4:30 pm when my husband came home at 5:30 pm he could still smell the chemicals in our house and said it was even worse outside. In a few hours the smell dissipated and I was able to open the windows to air out the house. Read More
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