God So Loved That He Gave
For God so loved the world that He gave (didómi) His only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life John 3:16NLT
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 NIV
I know what it is like to be shunned by someone I love. But as My Father God pursues me when I run from Him. So have I decided to love on those that I love even if they do not want to be a part of my life. I do this in any way that I can.
At one time when I was grieving the loss of the ones I love so dearly because they refused to see me, even saying they didn’t love me. The Lord gently whispered to me (not in an audible voice but in my inner self), “that is how I feel when you don’t want spend time with me and choose others over me.” It pierced me through. So many times in my life I have chosen to go my own way and be the ruler of my life. And it hurts Him so. Even when I run from God and turn my back on Him He loves me. He gave first. He didn’t give when I deserved it. He didn’t even do it when I decided to love Him. He acted first. I can’t earn His love, He just loves me. He loved so much that He gave the one thing that He loved most- his son.
The word gave in the Greek is didómi. It means to give over, deliver; to give over to one’s care; intrust, commit; give forth from one’s self; to give one to someone as his own. Even knowing that his son would be rejected, tortured. He gave. So that He could adopt some of us. Even one of us….as His own. It breaks my heart to think on it. He was despised and rejected (Isaiah 53:3) and yet he came. He gave, he came. Because of love – great, enormous redeeming love.
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