Daily Archives: November 23, 2015


Peace Amidst World Turmoil

Peace Amidst World Turmoil


“For God has not given us a spirit of fear (timidity, fearfulness), but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  I Timothy 1:7 NKJV

Fear has run rampant because of the attacks in Paris and the world over.  ISIS has the world in fear.  Who is the author of fear?  Satan.  Are we to submit to fear?  No!  When fear begins to grip my heart I need to take a hard look at myself.  Because I am commanded not to worry, but to submit to God, to resist the devil and all of his attacks.  (James 4:7)  Fear being the primary attack that I struggle with.  The world is in turmoil but in the midst of that turmoil I can have peace.  I can have joy.  I can have love.  I can have a sound mind.  I need to turn to Jesus and ask him to empower me to walk as He walked.   Read More