Daily Archives: November 17, 2015

Neti Pot for sinus health

Neti-Potting for Sinus Health

Neti-Potting For Sinus Health

Neti Pot for sinus health

For several years now I have been using my neti pot daily in the winter for sinus health.  I used to get awful sinus headaches and toothaches stemming from the sinuses.  Several people suggested to me trying the neti pot but I thought, “ no way am I pouring water on purpose into my nose”.  Memories of water up the nose while swimming pretty much quelled any desire to want to try it.  But eventually I got tired of being miserable and decided it couldn’t hurt to try it.  I cannot express to you the relief I have found from this simple routine.  I use salt designed for the purpose and warm distilled water only (using tap water could cause worse infection if the water was contaminated).  Read More