Making Coconut Milk at Home
Well I have wanted to try making my own coconut milk at home for some time. I have been buying Thai Kitchen organic coconut milk for some time. Mainly I use it in place of milk or creamer in my coffee. But it is also yummy in oatmeal and amaranth. Today I ran out of the canned stuff and am not planning on going into town so I guess it is time! 🙂
When you think about it, it makes sense – you are paying for the water that is added and the can goes in garbage or recycling. I am all about saving waste- I buy my dry organic coconut from the local coop in bulk – bringing my own container for refills and I use my own purified water for the process. I can dry the left over fiber for coconut flour for future yummies or use it in smoothies or pancakes right away. Some time ago I did purchase a nut milk bag on Amazon in anticipation of this day. It made straining so much easier. Make sure to wash your hands before you do this because squeezing the bag by hand is really required to get all the coconut milk out of the bag. Read More
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